With All My Heart

A Sora and Roxas Zine

"I'm with you."

"And if you're not strong enough, he'll make up the difference."

With All My Heart will be a physical and digital zine featuring the relationship between Sora and Roxas from Kingdom Hearts. At estimate, the zine will contain 50-70 pages of illustrated and written content depending on the number of contributors. The zine will also be bundled with merchandise based on popular demand.

Contributors are free to feature alternate universes and canon interaction in their pieces, as long as the focus is on Sora and Roxas.

"Sora, see, that's why it has to be you."

What is a zine?

A zine is a fan-created, non-official publication dedicated to a specific genre typically read by other fans who have similar interests. It can contain short stories and pieces of artwork.

Does the zine have a theme?

The main theme of With All My Heart is still undecided, however we may leave it as general Soroku! Contributors will have the freedom to explore the relationship between Sora and Roxas in different aspects, be it affectionate, unconditional or established love. Both canon-compliant and alternate universe interpretations will be allowed in the zine.

As a SFW project, no NSFW pieces will be permitted in the zine.

Check out the following links to our FAQ, Contributor Info, Schedule and Mods too!

Contributor Info and Mods Coming Soon!